Wilderness Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage may be enacted by individuals or whole communities. They are most powerful when they are supported by others and witnessed by Elders, teachers, guides, mentors and loved ones. Witnesses may participate or be there to "hold space" and welcome the "Hero" upon return. They may experience their own transformation by taking part and honoring the powerful rites of passage of others.

First you must find the door. Then the key. Then the courage to go through. (Not necessarily in that order.) A magical helper, a knowledgable guide, usually in the form of a somewhat dangerous ally, will show you the way.

We are Web Weavers, all. We are Photographers of light and darkness, Artisans of the Soul. During Rites of Passage, our own creativity puts us in communion and alignment with the Creative Forces of the Universe. Sing, dance, paint, draw, play, run wild. Let your body be your canvas; nature your easal, and imagination be your pallet.

Leave all your material possessions behind. Embark on a journey into the dark, medival forest. Sail the high seas. Descend into endless caverns. Only by going where few men have gone before will you find the treasures you seek, or that are seeking you.